The Seasons Story – Hail Autumn

Hail Autumn

Hail Autumn

I have just visited “The Seasons Story” event and I loved everything about it. This was my first visit and I will definitely be making this a regular quarterly pilgrimage. The setting hits all the right spots for paying homage to Autumn; the colours and tones are whimsical and the stores have the perfect scenery to accessorize their wares. Very calm and beautiful.

I am in love with peach/ginger hair in RL at the moment so I have kinda transposed this to my avatars Autumn look mangled with a vintage twist. 😛

I hope you like. LM for the event is here.

~ Gateway into the past

Loving this store front

Loving this store front

On 29 August it was my 4th rez year in Second Life. Huzzah for me lol

I wanted to do a montage showing the evolution of my Avatars’ look over the years but I haven’t had a chance to scratch myself this weekend (massive hangover)! So I’ll save that idea for next years birthday. However I have dug one old picture up from the archives.  I’ll also add a new picture taken today so we can go 3 years forward!

I did visit :: LEONARD :: MAINSTORE today and this is where today’s picture was taken. Its quite pretty out the front. The reason for popping over was for a group gift. I am part of the V.I.P group was given a Autumn wheat mouth piece. Just ace.

Leonard - Wheat Stalk

Leonard – Wheat Stalk

Oh my! This pic was taken in 2010 😛

I used to love this look. I thought I was so amazing. It is awesome to see how SL has grown and how the amazing artists have shaped us as they have developed their skill sets.

Happy 4 Birthday ~ to me!

The Inevitability of Fate ~ the story of Angry Beth and the child Lot

I had to go back! Last time I visited here I only did a short blog on this art installation due to the the heavy scripting. My texture memory kept running out making  me need to clear cache and re-log. I run out of patience.I don’t know whether its due to the server side baking now, but I only had to re-log once, so I got a lot done and I was able to see the whole art piece.

Once again this is a  art installation from Rose Borchovski. The characters are Angry Beth and her child, Lot. It is set in a war, and shows of the pain, confusion, loss and destruction that war has on the civilians, who never asked for war, who never had a choice.

Hiding under the table to read

Hiding under the table to read

As you walk through the sim, you are given trinkets like a birthday hat to associate with the good times before the war; to a yellow ribbon that is used during the war tine occupation to disassociate the conquerors from the invaded, I am wearing one in the next shot. My favourite trinket is Beth’s false teeth!!!

Don't step into the light!

Don’t step into the light!

The above shot was using one of the many placed pose balls. I wanted to showcase the birds on the wall, as they are a thread through out. I wanted to hide from the search lights of war, wanting to fly free.

You,are just a number!!

You,are just a number!!

I hope you can see it ok in this pic. Surrealism screams: you are just a number and you don’t matter! The eye….so Sauron.

The eyes, they hunt me!

The eyes, they hunt me!

I found this emotional. The artist has placed RL pictures of children who have been displaced and injured in war. The Sauron ever open eyes, symbolise to me the searing memories that are burnt into to survivors minds.

War crushes souls and can take away a childs choice’ to become who they want.

This is a brilliant artist with a brilliant concept. You c an jump in here to see this story of love and war.

All pictures have been edited in GIMP. Thanks for stopping by.

Innocent said yes

innocence vs survival

innocence vs survival

This art installation, created by Rose Borchovski, is seriously immersive. Named the Inevitability of fate, you can you can experience the story here.

I get kinda freaked out by children en mass, maybe too many horror flicks. When I first took  this pic,  I did find it creepy, but I wanted to like this kid, I knew that a hard road lay ahead in for this character.

I have edited the pic and I wanted to show the innocence in this child’s eyes and in the open and honest expression. That innocence even I once had. :)To me this image is shedding the skin of innocence and accepting the risk of saying yes to satisfy curiosity and to survive. The “going down the rabbit hole”. This is what I tried to highlight.

I could have taken loads of pics, but I got carried away instead, so I only took this one. You can view more here sim itself is heavy on the lag, having many moving scripts, its a interactive art work.

Truly worth a drop by 🙂

Imogen and the pigeons, revisited

Bryn Oh is a virtual artist I have admired for years. I discovered her work in Second Life, and it completely resounded in me. I find Bryn Ohs work in SL dark and twisted and beautifully haunting. Bryn Oh is my fav artist in SL…

The latest exhibition in her Immersiva sim is Imogen and the pigeons. I love how she tells Imogens’ story, the setting is elaborately woven and comprehensive. You meet other characters along the way and briefly flirt with their story. It is adventure interlaced with poetry and puzzle.

I have taken loads of pics, I have not edited them, I have just posted my favourite key pics that reveal patches of Imogens story… so click on Bryn Ohs blog site (just below) or jump straight in here to see, hear and experience this delight yourself 🙂


The dark-side of the mirror

The dark-side of the mirror

An audience with Chalk fingers

An audience with Chalk fingers

Th rapist room self up with the flock

Red Riding Hood – the other side

A cracking feature on the destination guide. Red Riding Hood – the other side, The Companion (149, 210, 1000) , (18, 238, 22)

Violent Love

Violent Love

This project is created by Soror Nishi, Cherry Manga and Alpha Auer/Alpho Fulstop as they are telling their tale of Little Red Riding Hood all grown up.

Spread over 3 landmarks, their story captivated me with intricate details that brought to life the passion, the love and the tragedy of LRRH and the Wolf. Enter here.

Always look over your shoulder

Always look over your shoulder

Right now, I want to hug the Wolf, I want to knot my fingers through his thick matted coat and tell him its ok, tell him… to beware of strange, pretty young girls wandering in the forest. This story for me identified the heartbreak of love, that those you love may not love you with the same fervor, that you are not always understood and that some people cannot accept difference or change.

You are bared naked in love and lust, your heart bared and loudly beating, your mind is overtaken with sweet scent, beware….

Love can kill.